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Attendance Guide

Onsite Registration Guide

Inform the Conference Staff of Your Paper ID → Sign Your Name on the Participants List → Collect Your Conference Kits (which includes conference bag, name tag, pen, lunch & dinner coupon, conference program, the receipt of your payment, and the USB of paper collection) → Any Enquiries Communication

Devices Provided by the Conference Organizers

8Laptops (with MS-Office & Adobe Reader)
8Projectors & Screen
8Laser Sticks
8Portal Frame (for Poster Session)

Tips for Oral Presentation

8Your punctual arrival and active involvement in each session will be highly appreciated.
8Get your presentation PPT or PDF files prepared in advance. All PowerPoint slides should preferably be in the 16:9 format instead of 4:3.
8Regular oral presentation: 15 minutes (including Q&A).
8Laptop (with MS-Office & Adobe Reader), projector & screen, laser sticks will be provided by the conference organizer.
8Please keep all your belongings (laptop and camera etc.) with you in the public places, buses, metro.
8Dress Code Business Attire / Semiformal / Business Casual / National Formal Dress

About Certificates

*Listeners Certificate can be collected along with the conference kits at the registration desk.
*Presenters Certificate will be collected from the session chair after the session ends.
*A Best Presentation award will be selected from each session, and will be announced and awarded by the session chair at the end of each session.